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Rules for Aging: Resist Normal Impulses Live Longer Attain Perfection by Roger Rosenblatt




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Spend an hour laughing through Rogert Rosenblatt’s new book, Rules for Aging, and you’ll probably live longer. As with most humor, there’s real truth behind these witty rules, and you’re likely to smile or laugh out loud when you read this book. Here’s a sample:

Rule 32: If they tell you that it’s a long shot – it is.
Rule 40: A long and happy life lasts five minutes. One would think this rule would go without stating, but many people actually believe that a long life of uninterrupted happiness is a real possibility. And they act on this believe! They change families, careers, the structure of their faces, countries, everything, for no more substantial reason than they recall five minutes of uninterrupted happiness in the past, and now they wish to re-create the moment in perpetuity.
Rule 52: Live in the past, but don’t remember too much.

When you’ve followed all the rules and become perfect, let me know.

Steve Hopkins, June 21, 2001


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